Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The villains of the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the film Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie were aliens serving or allied to Rita Repulsa and/or, later, Lord Zedd, including the warrior Goldar. Information about the other villains can be found below.

For the purposes of this article, the mini-series Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers is considered to be a part of the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Villains from the movie, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, while they are covered in this page, are not considered part of Power Rangers television continuity.


Rita Repulsa

Rita Repulsa was the primary antagonist for the first season,[1] and later returned during the second to marry Lord Zedd. She is a witch who is the daughter of the first evil monarch of the MG-51 planet Master Vile. She has a brother named Rito and, via Zedd, a son named Thrax.

It was also mentioned in "Power Rangers: Turbo" that Divatox was a friend of Rita, possibly a relative, when she asked Rita for advice on how to defeat the Power Rangers on the phone. Rita mentioned that if she knew how to defeat the Power Rangers, she would not be trapped with Zedd, and faced the phone towards him, who was snoring in his sleep.

It was mention she conquered other galaxy before Earth. The planets/galaxy were Regda 2, Sorcery 7, Tarmac 3 and the Vica Galaxy.

Rita Repulsa was played by Machiko Soga in Zyuranger footage, played by Carla Perez in U.S. footage, played by Sydney native Julia Cortez in MMPR: The Movie, and voiced by Barbara Goodson.


Goldar is a lion-faced, griffin-themed knight who was the second henchman for both Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. In season one, he sometimes fought alongside Scorpina. In season three and later on, he often partnered with Rito Revolto.

He was voiced by Kerrigan Mahan. In MMPR: The Movie, he was played by Kerry Casey.

Squatt and Baboo

Squatt was a servant of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, the dimwitted sidekick of Baboo. Squatt was a short, blue-skinned hobgoblin-like creature with a large horn. He wore metal armor, and was said to be a mix between a blueberry and a warthog. Squatt is rather excitable, and may act like an eager child when Rita has a plan or when the Rangers are having trouble in a battle. Squatt was easily frightened by his bosses' bad tempers. He was a coward, and rather than fight, he and Baboo would often accompany Goldar, Scorpina, and monsters as they attacked the Earth, cheering them on. However, he often went to Earth when there was no fight going on, because his main duties were acting as a spy and saboteur, as shown in episodes like "Switching Places", "Foul Play in the Sky", "Calamity Kimberly", and "Rita's Seed of Evil". Squatt's birthplace was given as Myrgo, Venus

Baboo is the more intelligent of a dimwitted duo consisting of him and Squatt. He is tall, slim, black, and possibly a vampire, and resembles a cross between a monkey and a vampire bat with crippled wings. Like Finster, he mainly works behind the lines. Though spineless and scatterbrained, he is highly creative. He serves as Rita's alchemist and potion maker, creating substances and devices for her to use. Notable creations include a time device, a punk potion, the monster Shellshock, and the Nasty Knight's sword. Baboo is rarely confident in his mistress' plans, but would never say this to her face. Like Squatt, he is somewhat cowardly, often going to Earth to scheme or cheer on Goldar and/or Scorpina in battle rather than taking part in a fight himself. Baboo's birthplace was given as the Planet of the Pongies

When Lord Zedd took over as the main villain in the second season, Squatt and Baboo's roles were greatly reduced. Though still living in the palace, they mainly watched events the throneroom from behind a wall and offering occasional comments. Both participated in Zedd and Rita's wedding. In the third season, they were pure comic relief.

Squatt and Baboo disappeared during the Power Rangers: Zeo series, when fleeing from the Machine Empire with his masters. Both were seen in Countdown to Destruction however, Baboo was never actually seen reduced to sand by Zordon's wave.

Squatt was voiced by Michael Sorich. Baboo was voiced by Dave Mallow (credited as Colin Philips).


Finster is a shy henchman of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, though mostly the former. He resembled an anthropomorphic white Scottish Terrier (in Zyuranger he is stated to be a leprechaun). During the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he was primarily responsible for creating a new monster to battle the Rangers in each episode, as well as producing a regular supply of Putty Patrollers, although this function fell to Lord Zedd after his appearance. Finster did this by sculpting the monsters out of clay and 'cooking' them in a special oven/kiln/machine called the Monstermatic in his workshop. Not only is he skilled at supplying monsters and henchmen for his leaders, he is also shown to be a skilled alchemist and potion maker (similar to Baboo) and inventor, supplying many kinds of potions and gadgets. He's also extremely brilliant and somewhat all-knowing, as he is also able to provide wisdom for Rita and Zedd. Near the end of the episode "Crystal of Nightmares", it is implied by Goldar that Finster thought using the Crystal was a good idea, while Goldar denies it (calling him an "overgrown rat" in the process). He was the one responsible for making the suggestion that Alpha 5 be used in "delivering the message of evil", as Rita Repulsa had called it, in "The Wedding".

When Lord Zedd takes over as the main villain in Season 2, Finster is suddenly made obsolete. Zedd made his own monsters, though after Pirantishead (Zedd's first monster) was destroyed, Finster commented he could've done better. Finster lamented his current status in the villains, missing the good old days with Rita. When Rita returned from her exile, Finster helped her return to power – restoring her size, making her look younger and creating a love potion to get Zedd to marry her.

In the third season and the Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers mini-series, Finster was back to making monsters. His love potion was also revealed to Goldar. Finster was just as surprised as anyone to find, though, that Zedd actually did love Rita.

At the start of the Zeo season, Finster joins Zedd and Rita in fleeing the oncoming forces of the Machine Empire. He later returns with his masters and builds several machines for them. In "Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 1", Finster makes a new wand for Rita which is absurdly more powerful than the previous one, as it creates a monster that is too strong even for the Zeo Ultrazord. Finster was presumably reduced to sand by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space, or possibly turned into a human, like several other villains were. Finster's birthplace was given as the distant planet Claydoious.

While working for Rita and Zedd, Finster was never really an evil character, but rather an eccentric artist.

Finster was the original "monster maker" of Power Rangers. This role is often filled by other characters of Finster's type, such as Jinxer of Lightspeed Rescue and Mora/Morgana of S.P.D.

Finster was voiced by Robert Axelrod.


Scorpina is a human-scorpion hybrid and is one of Rita Repulsa's most ruthless and dangerous minions aside from Goldar. Though the Scorpina/Goldar relationship in MMPR is significantly less developed than the Grifforzer/Lami relationship of its Japanese counterpart, Goldar and Scorpina have shown affection toward each other, albeit in a much less sexual degree, even, to a small degree, where Goldar is shown to be protective of her. She has a human form (a beautiful Asian woman with long raven hair wearing golden scorpion armor) but has a hideous scorpion monster form when Rita makes her gigantic.

Very little is actually known about Scorpina. Her first appearance was in the Green with Evil story arc. She is an old friend of Rita Repulsa, and according to Baboo, did horrible things. Much like Goldar, she would often square off against Jason when sent to battle the Rangers, and overwhelmed them with ease. She fights with a crescent-shaped sword that can be thrown like a boomerang. When in giant form, she loses any human appearance and often fights alongside Goldar. Scorpina once used her pet silkworm to fight the Power Rangers.

In "The Mutiny, Part 1" at the start of the second season, Scorpina is seen among Rita's group. When Lord Zedd arrives and causes the palace to shake, Scorpina is seen going to help Rita who has just fallen to the ground. She then disappears after this, nowhere to be seen. She later resurfaces in "Goldar's Vice Versa", where she poses as a human girl named Sabrina to try to ensnare Adam Park. She even grows to giant-size and battles the Thunder Megazord, but soon retreats.

"Goldar's Vice Versa" was the last appearance of the character. According to IMDB, Scorpina was to make an appearance in an unproduced three-parter, "Zordon, I Shrunk The Rangers", which would have been set after "The Wedding". Scorpina was supposed to return to the show as a main character in that episode, but Haim Saban was unable to keep Sabrina Lu for more than one episode and was unable to find a replacement. Due to a lack of appearances after the early episodes of MMPR season 2, a fan-made altered episode of "Goldar's Vice Versa" was made on YouTube that showed what could had happen to Scorpina if she was defeated in season 2 which would had explains her lack of appearances after that episode though the episode also altered other things such as Tommy still as the green ranger and the new rangers Rocky DeSantos, Aisha Campbell, and Adam Park piloting the Dinozords, though a few of the original rangers voice like Jason Lee Scott are still heard during the episode. In the actual Power Rangers storyline, it is unknown what happen to Scorpina as she was one of the few villains in the Zordon-era that was not seen being dissolved by Zordon's energy wave in the Power Rangers in Space episode, "Countdown to Destruction".

Scorpina was the first major female villain warrior of the series, a role later filled by Archerina, Divatox, Astronema, Trakeena, Vypra, Nadira, Toxica, Marah and Kapri, Elsa, Morgana, Necrolai, Miratrix, Camille, Tenaya 7, and Dayu. Also, Scorpina is the first major villain to transform into an advanced form upon growing in the Power Rangers series.

Scorpina was played by Ami Kawai in Zyuranger footage (where her counterpart was named Lamie) and was voiced by Wendee Lee. The American actress who later portrayed her in "Goldar's Vice-Versa" was Sabrina Lu.


Appearing as a floating, demonic, ethereal, blue head, the powerful Lokar changed Mutitus to his more powerful form and assisted in sending the Rangers to the Island of Illusions. After destroying Mutitus, the Rangers attacked Lokar with the Ultrazord, but he managed to escape. Lokar is seen teleporting away just after the blast hits and Jason says "we'll get him next time".

Lokar is later summoned again when Goldar goes into battle with his extremely powerful War Zord, Cyclopsis ("Doomsday, Parts 1 & 2"). Lokar, heavily scarred from the Ultrazord attack, recreates the War Zord when it falls to the Power Rangers' attack and then aids Cyclopsis in its next two battles against the Rangers, but disappears forever when Cyclopsis is destroyed by the Ultrazord. Though he is not seen destroyed, Lokar does not make another appearance in the series after he and Cyclopsis are on the receiving end of a blast from Ultrazord and he is not seen in Countdown to Destruction. Like Scorpina and Rito Revolto, he was one of the many villains in the Zordon-era who survived battles against the Power Rangers but was never seen again.

Lokar was played by Masahiko Urano and voiced by Robert Axelrod. He is based on the Zyuranger villain Great Satan, who is the ultimate antagonist in that show.

Seasons two and three

Lord Zedd

Lord Zedd was the primary antagonist for the second and third seasons. He was portrayed by Ed Neil in the TV series, Mark Ginther in MMPR: The Movie, and voiced by Robert Axelrod.

Tom Oliver (clone)

Tom Oliver (portrayed by Jason David Frank) is an exact clone of Tommy Oliver that was created and put under a spell by the Wizard of Deception to serve as the Evil Green Ranger for Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. He is referred to as "Tom" to differentiate himself from Tommy Oliver.

In a battle with some Putties, Tommy was knocked unconscious, and the Wizard cut a lock from his hair and turned him into an evil clone, imbued with the Green Ranger powers. The clone tricked the other Rangers into meeting him in an isolated spot, where the Wizard sent them back to colonial Angel Grove. He then confronted Tommy, who was suffering a headache, caused by some of his powers being used to recreate the Green Ranger. The two Rangers fought each other to a draw until the Wizard intervened, zapping Tommy with his wand, causing him to demorph and lie in a coma. The Green Ranger then went to the Command Center to threaten Zordon, and then unleashed the Dragonzord on Angel Grove.

When Tommy was revived, he summoned his White Tigerzord to defend the city, but Dragonzord, energized by the Wizard's evil, soundly beat him. Tommy then stole the Wizard's wand, went back to rescue the other Rangers, and brought them back to summon the Thunder Megazord and deal with the Dragonzord. He then destroyed the Wizard, breaking the spell on the Green Ranger, whom he now called Tom.

Tom was sick with remorse, but Tommy convinced him that he could still do good. Tom broke the spell on Dragonzord and sent him back to the sea. The White and Green Rangers went back in time to colonial Angel Grove to destroy the Rat Monsters the Wizard had created to torture the other Rangers. Afterwards, Tom decided to stay in colonial Angel Grove so he could do some good things for the citizens, keeping yet the Green Ranger's powers.

Rito Revolto

Rito Revolto is a skeleton who was Rita Repulsa's brother and the secondary henchman for her and Lord Zedd in the third season, often partnered with Goldar. Though he was not seen in "Countdown to Destruction", he was possibly reduced to sand by Zordon's Wave or he was purified since Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd were purified as well. Considering Mondo was later revealed to have surviving generals trying to avenge him and that Rita and Zedd were even later revealed to have a son who remained alive and evil, it's possible Zordon's wave had no effect at all on Rito.

He was voiced by Bob Papenbrook. He was based on the character Gashadokuro who was the son of Master Vile's Japanese equivalent in Kakuranger.

Master Vile

Master Vile, was the father of Rita Repulsa and Rito Revolto. He was a tall demon-like being with large ear-like appendages and wore a dark cloak that had snakes seen emerging from it and wielded a magic wand. His home planet is called Gamma Vile, which was in the M51 galaxy. His personality is that of a crotchety old man. He's a very cunning villain overall, but is very comical. He also appears to be something of a coward.

Master Vile arrived on the moon in search of the legendary Zeo Crystal during the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He very nearly succeeded with the aid of an energy-draining monster he created and called the Blue Globber. After capturing Ninjor, the Crystal and the Rangers' Zords, Vile decided to throw an "End of the World Party" in the Angel Grove Youth Center before he would use the Zeo crystal to destroy the earth. However, Vile throwing his party gave the rangers the time and opportunity to locate and retrieve their Zords. Vile grew to giant size after Ninjor regained his energy and joined the Rangers in their battle against the Globber. Although his monster was destroyed, Vile survived the finishing attacks of both the Shogun and Ninja Megafalconzord, and still managed to retreat despite not appearing to be that badly hurt. On his retreat to the moon, he considered the failure nothing more than a minor setback and decided to stay.

Vile later summoned his old ally Dischordia (a monster that uses dance to control her victims) to battle the Rangers, and she nearly succeeded in taking control of the Rangers' minds. Vile was foiled once again, as Dischordia met her end courtesy of Ninjor and the Shogun Ultrazord.

Vile then summoned the Orb of Doom to the Earth, which he used to revert the Rangers to powerless children. He prevented Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, and Rito from destroying Angel Grove, revealing that he had more plans for the Earth. He sent a selection of monsters to invade the planet, led by his field general, Professor Longnose. When the invasion was thwarted by the Aquitian Rangers, Vile threw a tantrum and fled back to his home galaxy, where he claimed "the bad guy always wins".

After being overthrown by the Machine Empire, Rita called her father and begged him to let them stay with him. Vile reluctantly agreed knowing that his daughter would be bringing "that husband of hers" and told them not to wake him when they arrive. Master Vile also stated that the Machine Empire was worse than he was.

Master Vile appeared in the Power Rangers Zeo comic book, in which the forces of the Machine Empire attacked his planet looking for Lord Zedd (who was in possession of Power Coin energies the Machine Empire was seeking). In the end, Master Vile handed the energies over to the Machine Empire despite the Rangers' attempts to stop the Machine Empire from getting them. The Power Coin energies subplot went unresolved.

Master Vile was last seen on the Cimmerian Planet, attending Dark Specter's conference. He was most likely purified (like his daughter) or destroyed by Zordon's Wave during the battles that succeeded the conference.

In the Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive episode "Once a Ranger", it is revealed that he has a grandson named Thrax.

Vile was the first villain to receive the "semi-independent villain" position - a role which would later be filled by Louie Kaboom, Prince Gasket, General Havoc, Captain Mutiny, Mandilok, and some of the monsters in S.P.D.

Master Vile was voiced by an uncredited Tom Wyner. He was based on the character Yōkai Daimaō, who was the ultimate antagonist in Kakuranger.

Hydro Hog

Hydro Hog is the nemesis of the Aquitian Rangers and the main antagonist of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. He was known as the Emperor of the Dark Waters on Aquitar for his evil ways. He was known for having destroyed many planets. His main power is to consume all the water available before the Aquitian Rangers can get to it, leaving them dehydrated.

The Hydro Hog was too powerful for the Aquitian Rangers to destroy, and he was the only villain capable of withstanding the Shogun Megazord's Fire Saber, actually completely blocking the slash before it hit him. However, he was eventually defeated by the Shogun Megafalconzord. He was the first archvillain to be destroyed in battle, later followed by King Mondo. Hydro Hog is also the first and only monster and/or archvillain to be destroyed by the Shogun Megafalconzord.

Hydro Hog is voiced by Brad Orchard. Hydro Hog was based on the Kakuranger monster Umibouzu, who was originally a one-shot villain.

Foot Soldiers

Putty Patrol

The Putty Patrol is the standard army unit deployed by Rita Repulsa during the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They are based on the Golem Soldiers in Zyuranger. Though neither particularly strong, intelligent, nor resiliant, their basic power of numbers allow them to be a regular challenge to the Power Rangers. Putties are mass-produced in Finster's monster making machine through use of steam-pressured molds and then sent through the monster machine in large numbers. Putties do have some manner of spoken language, though it is incomprehensible to humans, coming across as strings of garbled noises.[2]

In "Mighty Morphin' Mutants", Goldar trained six Putty Patrollers to fight like the Power Rangers. When one of them failed the training, Goldar teleported that Putty Patroller back into Finster's clay pot. The other five Putty Patrollers were given the Badges of Darkness which turned them into the Mutant Rangers (evil counterparts of the Power Rangers). These Putties became the Green, Black, Pink, Blue, and Yellow Mutant Rangers while Finster created Commander Crayfish to act as their Red Ranger. The Pink and Yellow Mutants were destroyed by the Power Blaster while the Green, Black and Blue Mutants were later destroyed in combat with the Ultrazord along with Commander Crayfish.

Super Putties

The Super Putty Patrollers are the stronger versions of regular Putty Patrollers. They were mentioned in "Life's a Masquerade" and later appeared in "Gung Ho!" They were made from the Super Putty that Rita Repulsa and her minions mined.


Zedd's own army of Putties created directly from Zedd's magic. Despite being stronger than Rita's putties, their main weakness is the "Z" on their chests, which caused them to disintegrate when hit. Following this discovery, Z-Putties became, if anything, even less effective than Rita's as Zedd technically sacrificed durability for strength. In season three, the Putties and Z-Putties were replaced by Rito's own army of foot soldiers, the Tenga Warriors.

In the Power Rangers in Space episode "Flashes of Darkonda," a Z-Putty was seen at the Onyx Tavern. An army of Z-Putties assisted Rita and Zedd in their invasion on Triforia during "Countdown to Destruction."

Tenga Warriors

Zedd and Rita's new crow-like foot soldiers, presented by Rito Revolto, from Master Vile. They are the only grunt soldiers to have their own theme song "Tenga Bye Bye". Throughout Season 3, the Rangers are never seen battling these grunt soldiers in civilian form, but used their Ninja Ranger or Power Ranger forms instead. The Tengas also have the power of speech.

In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Ivan Ooze had virtually identical soldiers called the Tengu Warriors. Like their TV counterparts the Tengus are shown to have the power of speech.


Ivan Ooze

Ivan Ooze is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe, who appears as the primary antagonist in the film Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995). He was played by Paul Freeman.[3] Though Ivan is depicted as pure evil, he has a comical and charming side to him shown throughout the movie, typical of other villains in the series. He has his own troops of soldiers including Ooze-Men that are easily destroyed by the Rangers and winged creatures called Tengoo (based on the Japanese myth of the Tengu) which he blew up when they failed to kill the rangers.

Ivan Ooze was a tyrant 6,000 years ago, until he was imprisoned in an egg-shaped Hyperlock Chamber[4] by Zordon and a small group of young warriors, who presumably were the precursors to the modern Power Rangers. His hyperlock chamber unearthed by an Angel Grove construction crew, Ivan was released by Lord Zedd after 6,000 years of imprisonment. Apparently, he was most angered by the boredom of his lengthly imprisonment, being forced to miss several disasters throughout Earth's history such as the Black Death and the Spanish Inquisition (as well as the 1981 reunion of the Brady Bunch). Ivan proceeded to demolish the Command Center and fatally injure Zordon and Alpha 5, leaving the Rangers powerless to morph, fight or even call their Zords.

After rendering the Rangers powerless, Ivan traveled to the moon, and betrayed both Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, trapping them within a snowglobe. Their henchmen Goldar and Mordant then swore allegiance to Ivan rather than join Rita and Zedd in captivity. Ivan then began brainwashing the parents of Angel Grove into digging up and repairing his Ecto-Morphicons (large insect-like machines similar to the Rangers' Zords) Hornitor and Scorpitron which he turned loose to rampage in Angel Grove. After this, he told the parents to go and "leap to their doom", but the parents' children, with some help from Bulk and Skull, stopped them.

After the Rangers gained the Great Power, they returned to Angel Grove and battled Ivan's machines with their new Ninja Zords. Using these Zords, they were able to destroy Scorpitron. An enraged Ivan combined with Hornitor, and took on the Rangers himself. The battle progressed into outer space, and though Ivan consistently had the upper hand, he was destroyed when the Ninja Falcon-Megazord kneed him in the groin, which sent him flying into the path of Orion's Comet, which happened to be passing.


Mordant was a pig-like henchman in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Together with Goldar, he defected from Lord Zedd to join Ivan Ooze, when Ivan imprisoned Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa in a snowglobe. In an original draft of the script, he was revealed to be Goldar's second cousin, three times removed, on his mother's side, visiting for the summer, but this was written out for the final draft, and many audience members were confused as to Mordant's origins (information from Writer's Guide to the PR Universe). Mordant never appeared in the series since the movie was not part of the continuity, although he would go on to appear in Marvel Comics' adaptation of the movie and series. Mordant is in fact referred to being Goldar's cousin visiting for the summer in a coloring book based on the movie, but whether or not this is canon is debatable. It is because of his relationship with Goldar that he is naturally submissive when Goldar momentarily declares himself the new leader (until Zedd and Rita returned).

Mordant is played by Jean Paul Bell and voiced by Martin G. Metcalf.


Ivan Ooze's foot soldiers, made from his own ooze. Their name is not mentioned in the movie proper, but they are instead referred to as Ivan's "kids" just seconds before he forms them. The Rangers managed to defeat them.

In the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and Sega Game Gear adaptions of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, they are called Oozemen.

Season 1 monsters

The monsters of Season One are created by Finster using his Monstermatic. They are adapted from the monsters featured in Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger with the exception of the last 15 monster. To make them grow, Rita throws her wand to Earth which emits energy that causes the Earth to shake and then enlarges the monster.


A skeleton monster created by Finster. Bones could detach his head and have it fly. He also could recreate himself after falling apart. Bones appeared at a carnival and created a time warp, and the Rangers fought with him there with his Skeleton Warriors. Trini threw his head into a lava pit, defeating him.

Bones appears as the first boss in the Super NES adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


A giant knight summoned by Rita after Bones's defeat. She said this incantation to summon him:

Moondust soft and pliant,
Send to Earth a giant.

Once it appeared in Angel Grove, it pulled the Red Ranger out of Bones's dimension. The Red Ranger then summoned the Tyrannosaurus Zord and soon destroyed the Giant with the ground breath attack.

Mighty Minotaur

A minotaur monster created by Finster that wielded a spiked club and a shield. Mighty Minotaur was destroyed by the Power Blaster.

Mighty Minotaur appears as the first boss in the Sega Genesis adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Besides wielding a spiked club and shield, Mighty Minotaur was shown to charge and breathe fire.

King Sphinx

A sphinx monster created by Finster. He fought Zack, Kimberly and Jason but sent them off so he could just be with Jason. Goldar fought alongside King Sphinx when he was giant. The Megazord destroyed King Sphinx.

King Sphinx appears as the second boss in the Game Boy adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and as the first boss in the Game Gear adaption.

Gnarly Gnome

A musical goblin/gnome monster created by Finster. He had the ability to become invisible and his accordion to hypnotize people. He kidnapped teenagers so it would lure the Rangers into his clutches to put them under Rita's power. He would nap and wanted to hide it from Rita. Kim's deaf friend helped the Rangers get the teenagers out of the Gnarly Gnome's hold. He was defeated by the Megazord.

Gnarly Gnome appears as the second boss in the Super NES adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Pudgy Pig

A ravenous pig monster created by Finster. He ate fast and ate anything; he was to eat the world's entire food supply. He ate the Ranger's weapons. To get them out of him, the Rangers secretly fed him spicy food. He was destroyed by the Power Blaster. In "Island of Illusion" Pt. 1, Pudgy Pig was among the monsters that appeared as an illusion but disappeared when the Rangers stood their ground. In "A Pig Surprise", Rita cast a spell on Norman the pig to become a new Pudgy Pig, this version, however, was not interested in destroying the world and was only interested in eating. The Rangers found this Pudgy Pig falling in love with a female pig and realized that it was not truly one of Rita's monsters because Rita's monsters could not fall in love. Billy turned the pig back to normal.

Eye Guy

A multi-eyed monster created by Finster. He was previously used by Rita on Regda 2 to capture people, most often children, and siphon away their intelligence and give it to Rita. Rita summoned Eye Guy to capture a friend of Billy's to steal his intelligence. Eye Guy's body could operate without its giant main eye, the body fought against the Rangers while the vulnerable main eye hid away. Even after Eye Guy's body was blasted by the Power Blaster he was able to reassemble himself and keep fighting. It was not until Billy injured the main eye was Eye Guy weakened, the Rangers then were able to destroy Eye Guy with the Megazord. Since his first appearance Eye Guy has reappeared a number of times throughout the Power Rangers series. In "Island of Illusion" Pt. 1, Eye Guy was among the monsters that appeared as an illusion, but disappeared when the Rangers stood their ground. In "The Wedding", Eye Guy was among the monsters recreated by Finster to attack the Rangers at the Spectre Theatre and attend Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's wedding but was later destroyed by the Tigerzord in Warrior Mode. It was hinted on numerous occasions that Eye Guy was one of Rita's favorite monsters since Finster recreated him to attend Rita and Zedd's wedding and that Eye Guy was very loyal and fond of Rita.

Eye Guy appears as the third boss in the Super NES version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Terror Toad

A toad monster created by Finster. He was used again and was able to swallow all of the Rangers except for Kimberly. After the Rangers were free Kimberly threw her arrow into his main mouth, he was defeated.

Madame Woe

An elemental witch monster apparently created by Finster and was an old friend of Rita Repulsa. Rita asked Madam Woe for her help and she was to destroy the Blue Ranger but took his crush Marge into another dimension. The Rangers had to combine their powers so Billy could defeat Madam Woe. She was ultimately destroyed by the Power Blaster.

Madame Woe appears as the third boss in the Sega Genesis adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Mr. Ticklesneezer

A troll/elf monster created by Squatt from Trini's doll in her dream. He would carry a magic bottle that would capture things inside it, he captured a yellow motorbike, a train, a building and an red and white eiffle tower. In the dream he captured Billy and Trini who were in her car but was later freed by Kimberly, He also captured the megazord in a bottle but was freed when he tripped over the power sword. Mr. Ticklesneezer was not a truly evil monster, he never intended to hurt anyone, he only wanted to collect interesting objects in his jars and only obeyed Rita out of fear.


A snake/lizard monster with cobra-headed hands created by Finster. He could bite opponents with his cobra-headed hands and took the Rangers down. Kimberly destroyed the monster by zapping his apple with her Power Bow. In "Island of Illusion" Pt. 1, he was among the monsters that appeared as an illusion which disappeared once the Rangers stood their ground. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", he was among the monsters revived by Doomstone to attack the Power Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest. In "The Wedding", he was among the monsters recreated by Finster to attack the Power Rangers at the Spectre Theatre and attend Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's wedding.

Chunky Chicken

A chicken monster created by Finster. He could slash open dimensions with his scissors. He kidnapped Kimberly and Trini's little sister. He was destroyed by the Megazord.


An evil wolf-like genie released by Squatt and Baboo. The villains obtained its lamp from Canine 4 of the Wolf's Head Galaxy. He fought the Rangers under Rita's control. Once Alpha 5 was able to get rid of his magic lamp, the Genie vanished as well.

Genie appears as the fourth boss in the Super NES adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Knasty Knight

An evil knight summoned by Rita. Rita's crew last used Knasty Knight on Tarmac 3 where he bested that planet's greatest warrior. Finster and Baboo hammered out his sword that had magical powers. Zack figured out that Knasty Knight had burned out their weapons because he was reflecting back any energy they threw at him. He was destroyed by the Megazord.

Knasty Knight appears as the second boss in the Game Gear adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


A pineapple/octopus monster created by Finster. Pineoctopus disguised itself as Pineapples the Clown and kidnapped Trini's cousin Sylvia and turned her into a cardboard cutout, Rita's plan was to turn the Rangers into them too but was unable to because their suits protected them. He was frozen by the Mastodon zord and destroyed by the Megazord. In "Island of Illusion" Pt. 1, Pineoctopus was one of the monster hallucinations to bug the teens on the Island of Illusion but disappeared when the Rangers stood their ground.

Dark Warrior

A stealthy ninja monster created by Finster. He captured Trini's uncle for his invisibility formula and used him as bait. He was destroyed by the Megazord.

Dark Warrior appears as the fifth boss in the Super NES adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


A turtle monster created by Squatt and Baboo, Shellshock had a traffic light atop its body which created speed and freeze spells. For hand weapons, he had a hook and a baseball bat with a ball, as well as a large cannon in his shell. It was destroyed by Tyrannosaurus Zord. In "Island of Illusion" Pt. 1, Shellshock was among the monsters that appeared as an illusion but disappeared when the Rangers stood their ground.

Shellshock appears as the fifth boss in the Game Gear adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (video game) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers he is also 12 years old.


A spider monster created by Finster when Rita heard of Zack's fear of bugs (especially spiders). He was hidden inside a fake version of the Forest Spirit Statue. He trapped the Megazord in a giant spider web and electrocuted it, causing an overloard which forced the Rangers to disengage back into the Dinozords. However, the monster was immune to the Mastodon freeze breath. Dragonzord enters the battle and also gets entrapped in the web but uses his finger missiles to break free and the monster was ultimately destroyed by the Dragonzord in Battle Mode.


A flower-eating insect monster created by Finster. It can swallow countless flowers and made them into energy-sucking carnivorous plants. In its giant form, it was one of the few monsters who overpowered Dragonzord in Battle Mode. His body armor had some weak spots and the Rangers targeted them and destroyed him with the Power Blaster.

Frankenstein's Monster

A humanoid monster (resembling the monster it's named after) created by Finster. He frightened many at the Youth Center's masquerade party. He was able to overpower the Megazord and Dragonzord though he finally meet his end by Dragonzord in Battle Mode.


A powerful undead-looking monster summoned by Rita, along with Lokar. Lokar then powered the Mutitis up into a much more dangerous demonic form that sprayed toxic foam unto the Zords. It was finally destroyed by the MegaDragonzord.

Mutitus appears as the sixth boss in the Super NES adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

NOTE: In Zyuranger, Mutitus' Japanese equivalent is actually the revived form of the Japanese equivalent of Frankenstein's Monster.


A rock monster apparently created by Scorpina. He can fire boulders that pinned his victims under them. He was made to find Mirror of Destruction. He was destroyed by said Mirror of Destruction when Jason's cousin pointed it at him.

Samurai Fan Man

A samurai monster created by Finster. He trapped Kimberly in his bottle. He set up traps and could blow the Rangers away with his fan. He was destroyed by the Ultrazord.

Babe Ruthless

A baseball-themed pixie monster created by Finster. His name and background is simply based on the famous baseball player. He could fire lightning bolts from his gloves and throw balls at the Rangers. Goldar, Scorpina, and Babe Ruthless attacked the city. However, they were held off by the five Dinozords and the arrival of Dragonzord. The Rangers then formed Dragonzord in Battle Mode while leaving Tyrannosaurus Dinozord to remote control. Babe Ruthless was killed by Dragonzord in Battle Mode's drill staff.


A silkworm monster created by Finster and used by Scorpina. Scorpina used it to trap some of the Rangers in a silk cocoon yet they managed to get out. Weaveworm was later sent in after the Rangers destroyed Babe Ruthless. It trapped the Megazord in a silk cocoon. Dragonzord used its drill tail to break open the cocoon and then it combined with Megazord to form the MegaDragonzord, using its power to destroy the Weaveworm.


A monster created by Finster that was obsessed with Gooney Bird eggs. It was a surprise present for Rita, he was threatened when Squatt and Baboo ate his bird eggs. He was made to believe that the Rangers had his eggs and Rita promised him she would give them to him once he defeated the Rangers. Jason explained to him that they did not have the eggs, but he would not listen. He was ultimately done in by the Ultrazord.


A cyclops monster created by Finster. It is a doppelgänger which can assume the form of anyone, including the Zords. The first time it became Dragonzord (which stymied the Rangers since all the Zords were offline) where it battled Megazord to a stalemate until it was driven out by the real one summoned by Green Ranger. Later, it took the form of Dragonzord in Battle Mode, Megazord, Dragonzord in Battle Mode, and Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, while battling Green Ranger's Dragonzord. It came close to besting Green Ranger but the other Rangers came his aid and formed the Ultrazord, which destroyed Cyclops.


A bird/dinosaur monster created by Finster. No matter how much the Power Rangers had destroyed Hatchasaurus, Cardiatron keeps reviving it stronger than ever until Hatchasaurus was in its second form complete with horns and spikes. After Cardiatron was defeated, Hatchasaurus was destroyed by the Ultrazord. In "The Ninja Encounter" Pt. 2, Terror Blossom summoned Hatchasaurus a year later and Cardiatron was back as well. Once Cardiatron was destroyed again, Hatchasaurus was defeated by the White Tigerzord.


A magical computer heart that recreates Hatchasaurus every time it was destroyed. Jason had to be ingested to call Cardiatron out and destroyed it with a combination slash of his Power Sword and Dragon Dagger. In "The Ninja Encounter" Pt. 2, Lord Zedd revived Cardiatron the same time Hatchasaurus was revived. Caridatron was done in by the White Ranger.


A flying unicorn monster created by Finster. He was sent to litter the planet. He wanted to take care of the Rangers personally so he did not let Goldar and Scorpina fight them. His source of power was his horn and Jason cut it off with his Power Sword and Dragon Dagger. Polluticorn was destroyed by the Megazord.

Polluticorn appears as the sixth boss in the Game Gear adaption to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Twin Man

A reflective monster. He used his powers to turn the Putties into duplicates of the Rangers and took the guise of the Red Ranger. They set out to give both the teens a bad reputation at school and bad reputation on the city about the Power Rangers. He was destroyed by the Power Blaster.

Goatan the Storm-Bringer

Goatan is a Chimera-like monster with a lion head, arms, and torso, a goat head on the chest and goat legs, and a snake tail. He is also known as the Storm Bringer as he was able to summon blizzards, tornadoes, and even hurricanes at will. Goatan was created by Rita when she casted the following spell on the Noble Lion Trophy that Bulk and Skull stole:

Scabs, weasels, moons of Cryon,
Make me a monster half goat, half lion.

When the trophy turned into Goatan, Bulk and Skull got scared and fell into the lake. Zordon noted that if Rita were to get Goatan to control the weather, the Earth would be in great peril. Goatan's weapons were a crossbow and a hockey stick. He could create energy winds and cyclones to blow his enemies away, project eye beams, and produce ice spray from the mouth of its goat center. When he was challenged by four of the Power Rangers, Goatan easily overpowered them, beating them soundly before enveloping them in an energy cyclone generated by the mouth of the goat head. When Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger, arrived, he assaulted Goatan with his Power Ax, stunning the Chimera and causing Rita to make him grow. Generating a snowstorm during the fight against the Zords, Goatan encased the Megazord in a thick sheet of ice, but before he could cause any damage, the Megazord broke free, then destroyed Goatan with the fully energized Power Sword. Unlike most objects that get turned into monsters later on, the Noble Lion Trophy was not restored after Goatan's destruction.


A plant monster planted by Squatt. She could destroy the world by covering it with her tentacles. As she grew, she caused an earthquake. She eventually bloomed from the bulb. She was extremely vain and was distracted. Octoplant was destroyed by the Megazord.

Goo Fish

A fish monster. Used to trigger Billy's fish fear, the Goo Fish was sent and it could immobilize anything with his venom. Billy got over his fear and destroyed it with the Megazord. In "A Reel Fish Story", Goo Fish was among the aquatic monsters revived by Lord Zedd. He alongside the other aquatic monsters were destroyed by the White Ranger.

Fighting Flea

A flea monster created by Finster. Rita shrank him and was placed on a dog Jason found. Jason's body was then infected with a rash. Kimberly and Jason fought the monster but Jason was affected by the itch. Fighting Flea could shoot needles as well. It was destroyed by the Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Fighting Flea was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "Ninja Quest" Pt. 1, Fighting Flea was among the 4 strongest monsters recreated by Finster to help Rito destroy the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Fighting Flea attended Master Vile's "End of the World" party.

Jellyfish Warrior

A jellyfish monster created by Finster. Besides the ability to teleport at will, Jellyfish Warrior could weaken the Rangers with its toxic spray that could eat through the Ranger's suits. He even sent the Rangers to his home dimension. He was destroyed by the Megazord.


A praying mantis monster created by Finster. She challenged Trini by telling her she has no honor after Trini called the others to help her. Mantis was a master at the Praying Mantis Kung Fu and she admitted she had no honor. She was destroyed by the Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Lord Zedd used her as one of the monsters that the Rangers hallucinated under Trumpet Top's spell.


A mole monster. Dramole had the ability to travel underground without being detected and he made a gas to hypnotized people, his gas cause the adults attending 'Parent's Day' enter a zombie-like trance. He even hypnotized Billy to get the Dragon Dagger. Later, all the Rangers were hypnotized as well except for Kimberly. Dramole was destroyed by the Ultrazord. In "The Wedding," Dramole was among the monsters recreated by Finster to attack the Rangers at the Spectre Theatre.

Grumble Bee

A bee monster created by Finster. Grumble Bee could generate energy from his wings and his buzzing can deafen the Rangers. His venom could also eat through the Ranger's suits. Alpha sent Billy a device to stop him and he was defeated by the Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Grumble Bee was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "The Wedding", Grumble Bee was among the monsters recreated by Finster to attack the Rangers at the Spectre Theatre and attended Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd's wedding.

Two-Headed Parrot

A two-headed parrot monster created by Finster. He aimed to split Jason and Tommy apart. It loved the Pamango fruit and when Tommy tossed it to him or rather them, the two heads fought for it. It was destroyed by the Ultrazord.


A woodpecker monster created by Finster. He destroyed skyscrapers with just a few pecks. With his large wings, he could blow anything away. Zack tricked it into pecked ballons and one that was rubber ball, got stuck on his beak. Peckster was destroyed bt the Megazord. In "The Wedding", he was recreated by Finster to attack the Rangers and attend Lord Zedd and Rita Replusa's Wedding. He and Rhinoblaster guarded the entrance to the Spectre Theatre when the Rangers were trapped in it.


A superstrong lizard monster created by Finster. Lizzinator's body was made of supermetals from another galaxy. He had super stink breath and was hard to defeat. He was destroyed by the Ultrazord. In "The Wedding" Pt. 3, he was among the monsters that fought the Rangers. In "Ninja Quest" Pt. 1, Lizzinator was among the 4 strongest monsters recreated by Finster to help Rito destroy the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord.

Pumpkin Rapper

A pumpkin monster planted by Squatt and Baboo. Pumpkin Rapper was sent down when the Rangers were in a game show. Evil pumpkin seeds were grown in a rotten pumpkin patch to suffocate the Rangers. He mostly rapped and he drained the Rangers' energy by wrapping vines around them. He was destroyed by the Power Blaster. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", he was revived by Doomstone to fight the Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest. When Lord Zedd made him grow, he was hard to defeat but finally was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Slippery Shark

A hammerhead shark monster created by Finster. Slippery Shark was sent to split Tommy and Jason apart, putting them under a spell with his boomerang fin. He was impossible to track and surfed through the ground, as well as fly through the air at great distances and could teleport really quickly. He nearly defeated Jason and Tommy but were able to overcome his spell and trap him in a net, which he broke out of with his fin. When the rest of the rangers arrived, he hid underground but was forced out by Zack's power axe. Just before the rangers could fire the Power Blaster at him, Rita made him grow. After putting up a tough fight for the Megazord and Dragonzord, he was destroyed by the Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Slippery Shark was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "A Reel Fish Story", Slippery Shark was among the aquatic monsters revived by Lord Zedd (who referred to Slippery Shark as "Shark Monster"). He alongside the other aquatic monsters were destroyed by the White Ranger. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Slippery Shark attended Master Vile's "End of the World" party. His boomerang fin was actually a repainted version of Scorpina's weapon.


An armadillo monster created by Finster. Finster was charging up Soccadillo but Rita sent him down only at half strength. It could turn into a ball and attack the Rangers. Zordon knew that Rita was feeding the Soccadillo energy to allow it to increase its powers. Zordon predicted that the monster would be unstoppable in less than an hour more of charging. Tommy and Jason punched the monster in ball mode at the same time, causing an explosion which reverted Soccadillo to monster form. Socaadillo was defeated by the Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Soccadillo was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "The Wedding", Soccadillo was among the monsters recreated by Lord Zedd to attack the Rangers at the Spectre Theatre and attended Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's wedding.


A rhinoceros monster. Rhinoblaster had a Putty Football Team and sent the Rangers into another dimension. He was destroyed by the MegaDragonzord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Rhinoblaster was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", Rhinoblaster was among the monsters revived by Doomstone to fight the Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest. In "The Wedding", Rhinoblaster was among the monsters recreated by Finster to attack the Rangers at Spectre Theatre. He and Peckster guarded the entrance to Spectre Theatre when the Rangers were trapped there.

Commander Crayfish

Commander Crayfish was a crayfish monster that led the Mutant Rangers (whom were Putties using the Badges of Darkness). He was chosen to lead the Mutant Rangers when no Putty was worthy of becoming the Red Mutant Ranger being entrusted with the power of the Red Badge of Darkness. He wielded a similar version of the Red Ranger's Power Sword. The Ultrazord was able to destroy Commander Crayfish and the Blue, Green, and Black Mutant Rangers simultaneously. He was the last monster grown giant by using only Rita's wand. He was recreated by Lord Zedd along with Goo Fish, Slippery Shark, and Pirantishead in "A Reel Fish Story" as one of the four aquatic monsters to attack the Rangers at the beach (he was referred to as Cruel Crayfish this time). He and the other aquatic monsters were destroyed by Tommy.


An oyster monster awakened by Rita. It brought her the Pearls of Stillness that were sold to Zack, which he gave to Angela. Angela, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason were made frozen still, along with the patrons of the restaurant they were in. Tommy lent his shield to Zack to help defeat Oysterizer. The Oysterizer forced the Rangers to use their Megazord underwater, but ultimately they destroyed him. In "Rangers Back in Time", he was revived by Lord Zedd to protect the Rock of Time. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor", Oysterizer was among the monsters that attended Master Vile's "End of the World" party and was one of the monsters seen in the Shadow World's underground Tomb in the finale of Lightspeed Rescue.

Season 2 monsters

The monsters of Season 2 are created by Lord Zedd from an animal, plant, or object. They are adapted from Gosei Sentai Dairanger except for the first 10. It is stated that the monsters created by Lord Zedd are much stronger than the ones that Rita had Finster create. To make a monster grow, Lord Zedd conjure a grenade and throws it to Earth where the monster catches it and slams it into the ground which then enlarges the monster.


A piranha monster created by Lord Zedd from a piranha. He froze four of the original zords and took control of the Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord. He could take control of any machine such as Bulk and Skull's ATVs. Pirantishead grew big and was the first to be destroyed by the Thunder Megazord. In "A Reel Fish Story", Pirantishead was among the sea monsters revived by Lord Zedd. He alongside the other aquatic monsters were destroyed by the White Ranger.


A shapeshifting-baboon monster created by Lord Zedd from Zack's ape costume. He imitated most of the Rangers and made it difficult for them to figure out who was who. Eventually, a special hand mirror was used to reveal his true identity. Primator grew in size by Lord Zedd and fought the Thunder Megazord and the Dragonzord. Though he was disarmed by Dragonzord's drill tail, he was able to knock down the Dragonzord, but was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord's Thunder Saber. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", Primator was among the monsters revived by Doomstone to attack the Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest.


A fire-breathing iguana/salamander monster with an extending tongue created by Lord Zedd from Ms. Appleby's iguana. Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord. In "Orchestal Maneuvers in the Park", Saliguana was among the monsters that attacked the Rangers as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top.

Bloom of Doom

A multi-eyed flower monster created by Lord Zedd from some flowers. Her pollen could burn through the Ranger's suits and cause damage to their sinuses. She took Kimberly, put her under a spell, and took her to another dimension. She was destroyed by the Power Blaster.


A mythical cyborg goat monster brought to life from an illustration in Tommy's "Myths and Legends" book by Lord Zedd. Robogoat hypnotized Tommy into getting him the Sword of Power. When Tommy was no longer under the spell, he went after the sword but what he thought was the sword was just a trick. Robogoat captured the Rangers except for Jason. Jason managed to save them and destroyed Robogoat with the Thunder Megazord. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", Robogoat was among the monsters Doomstone revived to attack the Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest. In "The Wedding", Finster recreated Robogoat to attack the Rangers at Spectre Theatre and attended Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's wedding. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Robogoat attended Master Vile's "End of the World" party.


An octopus/elephant monster created by Lord Zedd. Octophantom had a jar that could capture the Ranger's powers. He lured them by painting graffiti. He captured Tommy, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini. Billy distracted the vain Octophantom with a mirror. He was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord. In "Ninja Quest" Pt. 1, Octophantom was among the 4 strongest monsters that accompanied Rito into destroying the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord.

Stag Beetle

An energy-draining stag beetle monster created by Lord Zedd from a drawing on a Stone Canyon broomball flyer outside the Youth Center. Stag Beetle drained Tommy's Green Ranger powers and used energy to bolt out from his pincers. By sucking in Stag Beetle's energy bolt attack, Alpha's energy transducer returned Tommy's powers to him. He was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord. In "Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park", Stag Beetle was among the monsters the Rangers fought as part of a hallucination spell casted by Trumpet Top. In "Ninja Quest" Pt. 1, Stag Beetle was among the 4 strongest monsters that accompanied Rito into destroying the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord.

Invenusable Flytrap

A Venus Flytrap monster created by Lord Zedd from a Venus Flytrap on Venus Island. He trapped most of the Rangers (except Trini and Tommy) in his chest. Invenusable Flytrap told Tommy to surrender if he wants his fellow Rangers released. Tommy discovered that Invenusable Flytrap had a weakness for heat. Tommy and Trini used heat to attack the Invenusable Flytrap and the four other Rangers attacked from inside of him. When the other four Rangers escaped the Power Blaster was enough to destroy Invenusable Flytrap. In "Zedd's Monster Mash", Invenusable Flytrap was among the monsters revived by Doomstone to attack the Rangers in Zedd's Haunted Forest. In "Rangers Back in Time" Pt. 2, Invenusable Flytrap was among the monsters revived by Lord Zedd to guard the Rock of Time. In "The Wedding", Invenusable Flytrap was among the monsters recreated by Finster to fight the Rangers at Spectre Theatre and attended Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's wedding. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor", Invenusable Flytrap attended Master Vile's "End of the World" party.


A guitar-playing cicada monster created by Lord Zedd from a cicada that was near Kimberly's guitar. Destroyed by the Power bow and Dragon Dagger.


A mollusk monster created by Lord Zedd from a large and unusual shell that Kimberly found at Angel Grove Lake. He attacked the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord with ease before retreating. He went to the Otherworld to recharge his shell. Tommy's powers were drained and charged through Turbanshell's shell. Tommy hid in a crate of melons which Turbanshell ate and Tommy heated up the monster's belly, while Zack shot its face with water from a hose which froze him on the outside. He was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.


A trophy monster created by Lord Zedd from the Golden Pipe Karate Trophy. Pipebrain had to be defeated by Jason before being able to get his friends back. Pipebrain was destroyed by the Red Dragon Warrior Mode.

Trumpet Top

An illusion-casting trumpet monster created by Lord Zedd from Curtis' trumpet. He casted a hallucination spell on the Rangers to see illusions of Fighting Flea, Mantis, Grumble Bee, Slippery Shark, Soccadillo, Rhinoblaster, Saliguana, and Stag Beetle. Zordon saw through this and had Alpha teleport the Rangers to the Command Center where he explained that Trumpet Top was behind the illusion. Lord Zedd then made Trumpet Top grow. Trumpet Top was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Mirror Maniac

A mirror monster created by Lord Zedd from a mirror that Tommy had given to Kimberly. Destroyed by Thunder Megazord.

Mirror Maniac appears as the first boss in Super NES adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The Rangers fight Mirror Maniac on top of a blimp.

Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel

A monster created by Lord Zedd from a stone fist statue in Angel Grove Park. She was able to create two other monsters named AC and DC to serve as her assistants. She was destroyed by the Mega Tigerzord.

Nimrod, AC, and DC appear as bosses in the Sega Genesis adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie under the respective names "Scarlet Sentinel Ring", "Scartlet Sentinel Earring" and "Scarlet Sentinel Necklace".


A purse monster created by Lord Zedd from a purse that a Z-Putty stole from Kimberly. Pursehead had weapons based on the contents of the purse. He froze some of the Rangers using a mirror-based weapon. The White Ranger knocked it back normal after Saba zapped it.


A lipstick monster created by Lord Zedd from Trini's "Siren Song Red" lipstick that was in Kimberly's purse at the time. She had a sword that look like lips. She was destroyed by the Red Dragon Warrior Mode.

Lipsyncher also appears as a playable character in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition on the SNES.

Magnet Brain

A magnet monster created by Lord Zedd from Billy's polarizer. Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Magnet Brain appears as the fourth boss in the Super NES adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The Rangers fight Magnet Brain on the train tracks.

Key Keeper

A key monster that was assigned by Lord Zedd to be the gatekeeper to Zedd's Haunted Forest. It is unknown what happen to him as it was not seen engaging the Power Rangers in battle.


A tombstone monster that lives in Zedd's Haunted Forest. He ambushed Tommy alongside a revived Pumpkin Rapper and Robogoat. When the other Rangers showed up, Doomstone revived Snizard, Rhinoblaster, Primator, and Inveunsable Flytrap to fight them, but the monsters were defeated. After Pumpkin Rapper was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord, Doomstone's fate is unknown.

Terror Blossom

A flower monster created by Lord Zedd from some flower petals. The Terror Blossom's petal could freeze anything it touched. It planned to create an army of flower monsters once he'd found a place to germinate his seed pods. To keep the Rangers busy while he germinated his seeds, Terror Blossom summoned the Hatchasaurus and then apparently left the park. Jason, Trini and Zack were frozen by him. Terror Blossom was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.


A radio-themed monster created by Lord Zedd from Bulk's energy output meter and a fishing pole that belonged to Skull's dad. He had a hypnotic baton that got every Ranger and many others in the city under his control. Beamcaster threw bombs at the Rangers. He is notably the first monster in the series to completely defeat the Rangers. After Aisha and Zordon freed the Rangers, Beamcaster was destroyed by the Power Blaster.

Four Head

A four-headed monster created by Lord Zedd from an art class sculpture in Angel Grove High. It could not be destroyed by the Power Blaster, but was finished off by the Thunder Ultrazord.

Silver Horns

A tick monster created by Lord Zedd from a tick. Silverhorns was the first monster that Rocky, Adam, and Aisha dealt with as Power Rangers. It was destroyed by the Thunder Ultrazord.

Silver Horns appears as the fifth boss in the Super NES adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The Rangers fight Silver Horns at the top of a construction site. Silver Horns also appears as a playable character in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition.


A skeletal hyena monster created by Lord Zedd from the hyena picture on the cover of a magazine in the Youth Center that Shawn had been using to write a paper. While Goldar and the Z-Putties subjected Adam to the Mirror of Regret in a plot to drain his powers, Skelerena fought the other Rangers. The introduction of the Power Cannon is when Skelerena was destroyed.

Skelerena appears as the third boss in the Super NES adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The Rangers fight Skelerena while surfing down a river that is near a ski resort.


A kaleidoscope monster created by Lord Zedd from a kaleidoscope that Adam had dropped,and disintegrated Billy, Kimberly and Tommy and then reassembled them in a demorphed and amnesic state. He then scrambled Adam, Aisha and Rocky and was defeated by Bulk and Skull. Scatterbrain was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Pachinko Head

A pachinko monster created by Lord Zedd from Ernie's pachinko. He turned the rangers into pachinko balls except for Tommy. The monster caused havoc among an amusement park. Pachinkohead was destroyed by Thunder Megazord.

Showbiz Monster

A video camera monster created by Lord Zedd from a camera that was backstage at "The Harvey Garvey Show." Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.


A flame monster created by Lord Zedd. Flamehead turned a barbecue into an inferno and rode on a horse. Flamehead could blow fire from its mouth. Flamehead was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.


A cannon monster created by Lord Zedd from a toy cannon that originally belonged to Billy's younger cousin. Cannontop had enough power to blast people into the Lost Dimension but had poor aim. The Power Blaster could not beat it, but it was destroyed by the MegaTigerzord.

Cannontop appears as the second boss in the Super NES adaption of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. The Rangers fight Cannon Top in a battleship.


In his only brief appearance in the entire series, Weldo had been sent by Zedd to retrieve the Bookala's Lightning Diamond. Weldo appeared at the workshop the Rangers was in and had lasers to shoot at them. Billy destroyed Weldo with his Blade Blaster. He only had a few lines of dialogue.

Evil Bookala

Lord Zedd transformed the Bookala doll the Rangers used as a decoy into an Evil Bookala. It was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Jaws of Destruction

A saw monster created by Lord Zedd from a saw in Angel Grove High's shop class. Despite Zordon saying that this was one of Zedd more powerful monster, the ranger handled him easily. Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Tube Monster

An inner tube monster created by Lord Zedd from an inner tube that Bulk and Skull were using. Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.


A camera monster created by Lord Zedd made from a Polaroid camera. Photomare trapped the Rangers who were turned into children in a photograph. She could trap people into photographs. Photomare made a copy of Red Dragon Warrior Mode. She, and the Red Dragon Warrior copy, were destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Wizard of Deception

A time-traveling wizard summoned by the Ghost of Darkness on Rita's behalf. Zordon claimed that he and the Wizard of Deception were old rivals. He then recreated the Dragon Power Coin and later plucked strands of Tommy's hair to create a second Tommy to become Rita's pure evil Green Ranger. He was destroyed by the Green Ranger and the White Ranger using the Wizard of Deception's wand.

NOTE: The Wizard of Deception is a villain created specifically for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and has no counterpart in the Super Sentai source material.

Rat Monsters

Three rat monsters created by the Wizard of Deception from three rats. The rodent menaces attacked the colonial-time Angel Grove. Upon being defeated by Tommy and his clone, they were regressed back to rats.

NOTE: The Rat Monsters only appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and were not from the Super Sentai source material. They were originally designed for the feature film Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, but were dropped and used on the TV series instead.

Snow Monster

A yeti-like monster from the "Grumble the Magic Elf" book that does not like trespassers on his mountain valley. He attacked the Rangers and Grumble by charging them, throwing rocks at them, and burying them in an avalanche. He was buried in his own avalanche according to Grumble.

NOTE: The Snow Monster is a recolored and fur-added version of Primator.

Turkey Jerk

A robotic turkey monster accidentally created by Bulk and Skull and brought to life by Lord Zedd. Bulk and Skull wanted to occupy the Rangers with a monster in order to unmask them. Upon being given life by Lord Zedd, Turkey Jerk regarded Bulk and Skull as his parents and wished to fight the Rangers in order to fulfill their goal. Turkey Jerk possessed a ray gun he used in combat against Billy, Adam, and Aisha. The Turkey Jerk monster was soon destroyed by the Power Cannon. The Rangers teleport away before Bulk and Skull get a chance to unmask them.

NOTE: Parts of Turkey Jerk's costume originally belonged to Chunky Chicken (now unplucked).

Mondo the Magician

Mondo the Magician was a fictional character in a book titled "Grumble the Magic Elf." He was mentioned to have been an old friend of Rita Repulsa. Mondo had put a spell on Grumble the Elf, turning him into a grouch. When Kimberly, Rocky, and Tommy were trapped in the book and turned to Mondo for help, he turned them away. After the three Rangers were eventually able to escape, Rita was able to free Mondo from the book allowing him to attack the city. He was returned to the book after being struck twice by the Thunder Megazord's Thunder Saber.

NOTE: Mondo the Magician is actually Shadam, the main villain in Gosei Sentai Dairanger.


A cactus monster created by Lord Zedd from a rare species of cactus (classified as "cactal vocifera spinoctera") that Tommy gave to Kimberly as a gift. Needlenose had paralyzing spore needles. Needlenose and Goldar went through the time hole to the wild west to wreak havoc. He was destroyed by the MegaTigerzord.

Vase Face

A vase monster created by Lord Zedd from a sculpture Tommy made in art class. Destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

Season 3 monsters

The monsters of Season Three created by Finster and monsters created by Lord Zedd. They were adapted from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. To make a monster grow, Lord Zedd would cross his staff with Rita's wand and both items would emit energy that enlarges the monster.


A monster created by Finster. While the other Rangers were on Edenoi helping Prince Dex with Count Dregon's forces, a sick Kimberly ended up fighting Repellator. Repellator ended up retreating when he caught Kimberly's cold. Finster later gave him some cold medicine to help Repellator overcome his cold. When he fought Kimberly again, the other Rangers returned and helped to fight Repellator. Repellator was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord.

NOTE: Repellator is a recolored and tongue-added version of Silver Horns.


A monster whose egg was brought to the Moon Palace by Rito. Rita had the Tengas place the Vampirus egg near the Temple of Power. By the time it hatched, it wanted to invade the Temple of Power only to end up battling Ninjor. After the Rangers' fight with Rito, they joined Ninjor in fighting Vampirus. He was destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord. In "A Different Shade of Pink" Pt. 1, Vampirus (alongside Artistmole) assisted Goldar, Rito, and the Tengas in Rita and Zedd's "divide and conquer" plan. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Vampirus was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party.


A painter-themed badger/mole monster created from Kimberly's dream by Finster's Dream Device. In the real world, he drained the color out of the rangers. Kimberly destroyed his palette and the colors returned. He was destroyed by the Ninja Megafalconzord. In "A Different Shade of Pink" Pt. 1, Artistmole (alongside Vampirus) assisted Goldar, Rito, and the Tengas in Rita and Zedd's "divide and conquer" plan. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Artistmole was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party.


An Oriental lantern monster created by Lord Zedd from an Oriental lantern. Destroyed by the Ninja Megazord.

Marvo the Meanie

An elf/mushroom monster accidentally created by Rito (using Lord Zedd's staff) from Mr. Wilton. Destroyed by the Ape Ninjazord and Mr. Wilton returned to normal.


A football-playing centipede monster created from Finster. To prove its power, it turned Rito to a football impressing Zedd enough to send him out. Centiback turned Rocky's friend Alan, his uncle Joe, Bulk and Skull, and his Ranger teammates into footballs. Ninjor and Rocky turned them back to normal and destroyed the monster with Ninja Megazord. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Centiback was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party.

Face Stealer

An ancient Kahmalan face-stealing monster that was trapped in a vase. Rita send Rito, Squatt and Baboo to steal the vase from a museum so she can free Face Stealer. When it was free from it imprisonment, it stole Adam, Aisha, Bulk and Skull's faces. It was force back into it vase by the Ninja Ultrazord.

Hate Master

A spell-casting, rap-speaking monster created by Lord Zedd and Rita from Finster's evil seeds. Using sand gathered by Squatt, Hate Master filled most of the Rangers except for Aisha with hate. When Aisha helped the others overcome the hate spell, Rita and Zedd made Hate Master grow. During the battle, Hate Master recast his spell causing the other Rangers to abandon the battle. In "Stop the Hate Master" Pt. 1, Hate Master used sand gathered by a Tenga in an attempt to fill Aisha with hate only for her to not get affected. Aisha managed to get the others to overcome the hate spell for good this time. When Rita and Zedd made Hate Master grow, the other Rangers fought him in an individual Zord battle, which included Titanus joining the battle. Hate Master was finally destroyed by the combined forces of all six Ninjazords and Titanus. Hate Master is based on the Nue from Japanese Folklore.

Miss Chief

Finster created this love-themed monster. Rito equipped Miss Chief with a love potion after he caused her to be in love with him. She played a wicked cupid and even made havoc in Rita and Zedd's palace in Goldar's plan to break up Rita and Zedd. She was destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Miss Chief was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party.

Katastrophe the Cat Monster

A cat/fox monster created by Rita from Kat's cat form. Destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord, Kat was returned to normal afterwards.


A monster created by Lord Zedd. The Inciserator blasted at the Rangers with his wand. He was to serve as a diversion so that Goldar can kidnap Kimberly. Even though he's a distraction, he was quite powerful. After Goldar managed to do his part of the mission, Incisorator teleported away. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, Incisorator showed up at Master Vile's "End of the World" party.

NOTE: Incisorator is a hybrid of three monster suits. It has the head of Kakuranger monster Nurarihyon (unused in this season), the body of Merrick the Barbaric, and the cape of Birdcage Vagabond (unused in Season Two).

See Monster

A monster created by Finster. He flashed people by opening his coat and zapped them with the eyes that are on the inside of his coat. He emitted thought waves. It was destroyed by the Shogun Megazord. In "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3, See Monster was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 1, See Monster was present at Master Vile's conference. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 2, he assisted Professor Longnose into fighting the Alien Rangers. This time, he had a bladed weapon in place of his right hand.

Crabby Cabbie

A taxicab monster created by Lord Zedd (using Finster's vehicular transformer apparatus) from a taxi cab that Kimberly, Bulk, and Skull were in. Destroyed by the Shogunzords. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 1, Crabby Cabbie was present at Master Vile's conference. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 2, Crabby Cabbie assisted Professor Longnose in fighting the Aquitar Rangers. This time, Crabby Cabbie had a cannon mounted on its back. Disapered after Professor Longnose was destroyed.

Garbage Mouth

A garbage monster created by Finster. Garbage Mouth could project exploding energy blobs at his enemies. This monster was to capture Kat, but she was able to get free by stomping on his foot. He had a trash can that could blow out smoke. It was destroyed by the Shogun Megazord. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 2, he assisted Professor Longnose in fighting the Aquitar Rangers. This time, Garbage Mouth had an arm cannon in place of his right hand. Disapeared after Professor Longnose was destroyed.


A hunger-inducing monster created by Finster. Forced Tommy to eat large amounts of food. Destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.

Brick Bully

A brick monster created by Rita. When it ate more bricks, it assumed a more mobile form. It was destroyed by the Blue Shogunzord. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 1, Brick Bully's second form was present at Master Vile's conference. In "Alien Rangers of Aquitar" Pt. 2, Brick Bully accompanied Professor Longnose into fighting the Aquitan Rangers. This time, he had a mechanical pincer arm for a right hand. Disapered after Professor Longnose was destroyed.

Sinister Simian

An ape monster created by Lord Zedd from Kat's chimpanzee Kelly. It was returned to normal by an antidote missile shot by the Blue Shogunzord. Another version of Sinister Simian was later seen playing a piano at the Onyx Tavern in the PRIS episode "Flashes of Darkonda".

Blue Globbor

An energy-draining slime monster created by Master Vile. He took the powers of Ninjor and the Power Rangers as part of Master Vile's plan. Globbor was destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord, but much to the Rangers' surprise, Globbor survived the blow as he arose from the flames and continued the assault on the Rangers. He was ultimately destroyed by Ninjor's energy ball. Different forms of him made cameos later on with one of them being where Blue Globbor accompanying Master Vile to the villain gathering held by Dark Spector.


A singing monster used by Master Vile. Her unofficial appearance was in "Master Vile and the Metallic Armor" Pt. 3 where she was present at Master Vile's "End of the World" party. In her official appearance in "The Sound of Dischordia", Master Vile increased her singing ability to control the Power Rangers. Destroyed by the Shogun Ultrazord.

Professor Longnose

One of Master Vile's generals. He was summoned by Master Vile to fight the Aquitan Rangers following Professor Longnose conquering a Dark Galaxy star. Professor Longnose was assisted in battle by Crabby Cabbie, See Monster, Garbage Mouth, Brick Bully's second form, and Parrot Top (with each monster wielding a new weapon). Once the Aquitar Rangers used the Shogun Megazord to destroy Professor Longnose, the other monsters vanished.

Parrot Top

A green aquatic monster summoned by Master Vile. He was chosen amongst the monsters to assist Professor Longnose. In battle, it was equipped with a large, curved, silver arm blade in place of his right arm and had metal boots on his feet. Disapered after Professor Longnose was destroyed.


A robot monster created by Lord Zedd from Billy's broken regenerator device. Destroyed by the Battle Borgs

Erik and Merrick Barbaric

Twin surfer monsters used by Lord Zedd. Both Destroyed by Shogun Megazord.


A child monster created by Lord Zedd and Rita from a younger Bulk. Bratboy was able to take down the Battle Borgs, but after Rita and Zedd lost control of Bratboy, they turned him back to young Bulk.


A witch monster who was an old friend of Lord Zedd. Destroyed by Shogun Megazord.


Arachnofiend is a spider monster who is first seen at Master Vile's conference. Arachofiend is officially introduced when Lord Zedd transformed a spider from Billy's garage into Arachnofiend to ambush Cestro and Tideus. When they returned to the garage after rehydrating, they saw it covered in Spider webs. Arachnofiend took Billy and his phase modulator component for the crystal transformer invention to her lair in a cavern beneath Angel Grove, then trapped him and the device in webbing. Arachnofiend shot webbing from her hand at the Aquitian Rangers in her lair. She was destroyed by the Shogun Megazord.


  1. ^ McCormick, Patricia S. (1995-02-12). "TELEVISION; . . . And a Parents' Guide to the Politics of Angel Grove". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-08-20. 
  2. ^ "Hooked On Power". Sun Sentinel. Retrieved 2010-08-30. 
  3. ^ Gritten, David (1995-06-28). "Oberon to Ooze--It's All in a Day's Work". LA Times. Retrieved 2010-08-22. 
  4. ^